Share Your Story

When I first met my soon-to-be son-in-law, I asked him to tell me a story.  I didn’t want to just hear the facts of his life.  He said he didn’t have any.  I thought that was sad.  As I got to know him better, I realized how many stories he really did have, about growing up near the Catskills, going to Grateful Dead concerts, etc.  So much of our research leads us to the facts.  “Just the facts, ma’am.”  As much as we love to have Great-Great Granddad’s birth date, wouldn’t it be so much more wonderful to find his diary?  So, do you have a story you’d like to share?  Maybe a memory of your grandmother or an anecdote your father shared?  An old photo?  Whatever you would like to share, I’d love to hear from you.  You will be given full credit for your story, photos and all.  Just let me know.

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